Web Hosting UK




  • 1 Website
  • Up to 5 Web Pages
  • Domain Name
  • Web Hosting
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • 5 Email Addresses
  • Content Management System
  • Social Media links
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Google Maps
  • Contact form
Choose Plan




  • 1 Website
  • Up to 10 Web Pages
  • Domain Name
  • Web Hosting
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • 10 Email Addresses
  • Content Management System
  • Social Media links
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Google Maps
  • Contact form
Choose Plan




  • 1 Website
  • Up to 15 Web Pages
  • Domain Name
  • Web Hosting
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • 10 Email Addresses
  • Content Management System
  • Social Media links
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Google Maps
  • Contact form
Choose Plan

Customised Solutions

At Eweball Web Design, our ethos centres around providing tailor-made web design solutions that embody the essence and individuality of your brand.

Responsive Design

A website that adapts seamlessly to smartphones, tablets, and desktops is imperative for delivering a consistent and enjoyable user experience.

Reliable Web Hosting

With technicians onsite 24/7 and a resilient national network for ultimate reliability, you can rest assured that your websites are safe with us.

We pride ourselves on crafting websites that epitomise the pinnacle of digital aesthetics and functionality. 

Our process is collaborative and transparent, involving you at every stage to ensure that the final product is a true reflection of your brand. From crafting the initial concept to the final execution, our team of skilled professionals employs a bespoke strategy, meticulously designed to meet your specific business needs. Whether you’re venturing into the online world for the first time or looking to rejuvenate your existing website, our customised solutions are guaranteed to elevate your digital presence.

Harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies and innovative design principles, we create websites that not only capture the attention of your audience but also provide them with an unparalleled user experience. Our commitment to customisation extends beyond the aesthetic aspects, encompassing functionality, scalability, and performance to ensure your website stands out in today’s competitive digital age.

Choose Eweball Web Design for a partner who values your business’s distinctiveness as much as you do. Let us help you carve out your niche in the digital marketplace with a website that’s as unique as your business.

Our support team is here to help you. Our technicians are 24/7 onsite.

Solid state drive storage means faster loading websites.

Your hosting is backed by a team of professionals.

Load-balanced and automatically scales to meet demand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Your hosting package is automatically set up for you straight after purchase so you can get started right away.

Our state-of-the-art data centres offer the latest in security and environmental technologies and are manned 24/7, ensuring your data and websites are secure and monitored at all times. We have a resilient national network and an enterprise-level cloud platform so you get the best possible hosting experience.

You can use whichever programming languages and frameworks you like. Please get in touch if you want to double check if specific legacy versions are supported.

You can choose to host your website on either our Windows or Linux platform. If you’re not sure which to pick, go for Linux as it’s industry standard and supports a wider range of languages and software. If you need help deciding which package to go for or more details, please get in touch with our friendly team.

If you’re managing DNS elsewhere, or simply wish to know the IP address of a package, you can find this within your hosting control panel.

  • Head to Manage Hosting and select Manage for the package you wish to know the IP address for
  • Down the right-hand side under Account Information you’ll find both the IP Address and the IPv6 Address
  • In general it’s only the IPv4 address you’ll need

When you create a hosting package you’re given a temporary URL.

There are a few reasons why you may want to use the temporary URL.

Viewing a hosting package when you have used a domain reference

At eWeball- Affordable Hosting you can create a hosting package using a domain reference. This means that the hosting package won’t be connected to a live domain name via DNS, so to view the files you’ve uploaded to the site you can use the temporary URL. It will display the site as if it were live, except it will be on our temporary URL servers and the URL is something like temporarydomain.com.

Viewing a site that you’ve migrated, before you switch the DNS to eWeball- Affordable Hosting

When migrating a site to eWeball- Affordable Hosting, we recommend the following process:

  1. Migrate the site files, emails and databases to eWeball- Affordable Hosting
  2. Check the site works at eWeball- Affordable Hosting via the temporary URL
  3. Point the nameservers to eWeball- Affordable Hosting.

Step 2 is where the temporary URL comes in. After you’ve copied all the site data to eWeball- Affordable Hosting, you may want to check that it works. Selecting the temporary URL will show you what the site will look like before you’ve pointed the nameservers to eWeball- Affordable Hosting’s.

Showing your client their site before making it live on the actual domain name

You may want to show your client a site that you’ve developed for them, without it being accessible on the live domain name. You can give your clients the URL:


Alternatively, you create a redirect from the domain name to the temporary URL. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the temporary URL the same as a Staging Environment?

No, the temporary URL is not the same as a staging environment as it will always reflect what will be on the live site, so it’s not possible to perform work and then “push” changes to the live domain name.

Does the temporary URL support SSL?

The temporary URL does not support SSL, so if you have a hard-coded redirect that forces http:// -> https:// this will need to be removed. Similarly, when you are switching between the live domain and temporary URL, you need to make sure you add http and not https.

Are there any alternatives to using the temporary URL?

Yes, you can modify your hosts files. Your machine’s local hosts file allows you to override DNS for a particular domain or subdomain name. This is a great way to test the site ahead of changing real DNS: you’re able to test the website at eWeball- Affordable Hosting while the rest of the internet continues to use DNS to point to the existing website. 

Does my website perform the same on the temporary URL servers?

No, temporary URL servers are reduced capacity as they’re just for trialing a website on the platform before going live so they’re not intended to benchmark performance.

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